Saturday, July 7, 2018

NURSING: Pediatrics Practice Exam 201-300 with Answers and Rationale

Practice Exam 201-300 with Answers and Rationale

201. A moro reflex is the single best assessment of neurologic ability in a newborn.  What is the best way to test this reflex?

A.    Observe the infant while she is on her abdomen to see whether she can turn her head.
B.    Lift the infant’s head while she is supine and allow it to fall back 1 inch.
C.    Shake the infants crib until the infant responds by flailing her arms.
D.   make a sharp noise, such as clapping your hands, to wake the infant.

202.Beth Ruiz has milia on her nose.  What is the necessary therapy for this?

A.    Ice packs to reduce inflammation.
B.    Warm heat to increase circulation
C.    No therapy is necessary for milia.
D.   Lancing the lesions so they drain.

203.Beth had apgar scores of 6 and 8.  The five areas assessed with Apgar scoring are:

A.    Heart rate, respiratory effort , muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color.
B.    Respiratory rate, abdominal tone, reflex irritability, color, head circumference.
C.    Color, breathing rate, cry, amount of brown fat, response to an adult voice.
D.   Abdominal tone, persistence, gastric acidity, arterial pressure, response to pain.

204.Ms. Ruiz is preparing to take her new daughter home.  On about what day of life can she expect her baby’s umbilical cord to fall off?

A.    day 1.
B.    Day 2 to 3.
C.    Day 6 to 10.
D.   Day 30.

205.Newborns need more fluid than adults, because their extracellular fluid component differs from that of adults.  How much of a newborn’s body weight is extracellular fluid?

A.    20%, compared with 35% in an adult
B.    35%, compared with 20% in an adult
C.    50%, compared with 70% in an adult
D.   70%, compared with 40% in an adult

206.How does breast milk help prevent infection in a newborn?

A.    it is rich in faftty acid, so bacteria are destroyed by it.
B.    It is always flowing forward in the breast, so it is not static.
C.    it contains maternal antibodies and viral binding factors.
D.   It is low in lactose, so it becomes a poor culture medium.

207.Palaka wants to lose the weight she gained in pregnancy, so she is reluctant to increase her caloric intake for breast feeding.  By howmuch should a lactating mother increase her caloric intake during the first 6 months after birth?

A.    200 kcal/day
B.    350 kcal/day
C.    500 kcal/day
D.   1000 kcal/day

208.Baby Atkins was given a drug at birth to reverse the effects of a narcotic given to his mother in labor.  What drug is commonly used for this?

A.    Sodium chloride
B.    Morphine sulphate
C.    Penicillin G
D.   Naloxone (narcan)

209.Why are small for gestational age newborns are at risk for difficulty maintaining body temperature?

A.    They are preterm so are born relatively in small size.
B.    They are more active than usual so throw off covers.
C.    They do not have as many fat stores as other infants.
D.   Their skin is more susceptible to conduction of cold.

210.Baby Atkins has surfactant administered at birth.  The purpose of surfactant is to:

A.    Help raise lung secretions by relaxing the airway.
B.    Prevent alveoli from collapsing on expiration.
C.    paralyze respiratory muscles to synchronize breathing.
D.   reduce gastric secretions by action on the pancreas.

211.Baby Atkins develops hyperbilirubinemia.  What is a method use to treat hyperbilirubinemia ina newborn?

A.    Keeping infants in a warm and dark environment.
B.    Early feeding to speed passage of meconium.
C.    gentle exercise to stop muscle breakdown.
D.   Administration of a cardiovascular stimulant.

222.Why are infants of diabetic mothers fed early

A.    Their stomachs are empty at birth.
B.    To help prevent hypoglycemia.
C.    Their mothers could not eat during labor.
D.   To clear mucus from their intestinal tracts.

223.John is 6 years old.  What body system is reaching its peak point of development at this time?

A.    Neurological system.
B.    Lymphatic system.
C.    Reproductive system.
D.   Musculoskeletal system.

214.John, 6 years old, is a school age child.  What must he learn, according to Erikson, to complete the developmental task of this period?

A.    How to be creative
B.    How to think abstractly
C.    How to trust others
D.   How to do things well

215.Suppose John, 6 years old, tells you his broken leg wants to get better.  What type of thinking is he using?

A.    Magical thinking
B.    Deductive reasoning
C.    Concrete operational thinking
D.   Sensorial thought

216.Bryan is 2 months old.  At what age would you expect him to sit securely?

A.    2.5 months
B.    6 months
C.    8 months
D.   22 months

217.How many words does a typical22 month old infant use?

A.    two, plus ‘mama” and “dada”
B.    About 22 words
C.    Twenty or more words
D.   About 50 words

218.Which action would show an infant has developed object permanence?

A.    he looks for a cheerio that falls off his highchair tray.
B.    He cries when he is either hungry or lonely.
C.    He prefers a large yellow ball to a small red one.
D.    He smiles when the mobile on his crib jingles.

219.You review infant safety with bryan’s mother.  What are the two of the most common type of accidents in infants?

A.    Drowning and homicide
B.    Poisoning and burns
C.    Falls and auto accidents
D.   Aspiration and falls

220.Bryan’s mother is concerned about him developing baby bottle syndrome.  What would be her best action to prevent this?

A.    use plastic rather than glass bottle
B.    Boil the formula to reduce the curd
C.    Don’t put bryan to bed with a bottle
D.   Check the expiration date on formula

      221. What type of sentence should Jason, a 2 year old, have mastered?

A.    Red ripe tomatoes
B.    Daddy come
C.    Old MacDonald
D.   Please, please

     223. Jason answers every request of his mother by saying, “No!” How can she minimizes this?

A.    Tell Jason she doesn’t want him to say no anymore.
B.     Answer all Jason’s question by saying “No”
C.     Reduce the number of questions she asks Jason
D.   Explain he is not using good communication skills.

 224.Jason’s mother uses “timeout” for punishment.  What is a good rule for this?

A.    The child should sit still for as many minutes as his age.
B.    The child should sit still for as many minutes as he misbehaved.
C.    Timeout activities can include quiet play or reading books
D.   Children are not ready for timeout until school age.

        223. Cathy asks constant questions.  How many does a typical 3 year old ask in a day time?

A.    Less than 50
B.    100-200
C.    300-400
D.   2200 or more

224.    Cathy will need to change to a new bed because her baby sister will need Cathy’s old crib.  What measure would you suggest that her parents take to help decrease sibling rivalry between Cathy and her new sister?

A.    Ask her to get her crib ready for the new baby.
B.    Tell her she will have to share with the baby.
C.    Move her to the new bed before the baby arrives
D.   Explain the new sisters grow up to become best friends.

225.Cathy’s parents want to know how to react to her when she begins to masturbate while watching television.  What would you suggest?

A.    They give her “time out” when this begins.
B.    They refuse to allow her to watch television
C.    They remind her some activities are private
D.   they scheduled a health check up for vaginal disease.

226.Shelly has belonged to a series of clubs for 9 year olds.  A usual characteristic of clubs for this age child is;

A.    The clubs has formal rules and regulations.
B.     it is designed to help shy children socialize.
C.     It is designed to spite or exclude another child
D.   Clubs include both boys and girls.

      227.  if Shelly eats candy, what is the best type in terms of preventing caries?

A.    Salt water taffy
B.    A chocolate bar
C.    Chewy caramels
D.   hard candy

     228.  School agers can begin drug abuse.  What is a common household product frequently abused by  school agers?

A.    grated orange peel
B.    Laundry bleach
C.     Aerosol cooking oil
D.   Shredded cabbage

229.  Raul is concerned about developing body odor.  What body glands are responsible for this?

A.    Adipose glands
B.     Apocrine glands
C.    Liver cystic glands
D.   Dermal pod glands

230.  Raul is entering final stage of cognitive development.  This stage is termed;

A.   Formal operational thought
B.    Cognitive attainment
C.    Concrete operational thought
D.   Scientific formulating

231.  Raul admits he has experimented with cocaine.  A typical change in facial appearance that occurs with cocaine use is;

A.    Frown lines in the forehead
B.    Thin fissured lips
C.    loss of eyebrow hair
D.   Absent nasal hair

232.  You take a health history on Keoto from her father.  What question should you ask at the end of every interview?

A.    Do you have a ride so you can get home?
B.    Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?
C.    Am I a good interviewer? Im trying hard
D.   do you have another child who also needs care?

233.   Keoto’s sister is 2 y/o .  at what age you should include blood pressure as a routine procedure?

A.    1 y/o
B.    2 y/o
C.     3 y/o
D.   6 y/o

224.  You typically gag children to inspect the back of their throat.  When is it important not to elicit a gag reflex?

A.    When children are under 5 years of age
B.    When a child has symptoms of epiglottitis
C.    When a boy has a possible inguinal hernia
D.   When a girl has a geographic tongue

225.  Keoto has a sinus arrhythmia.  This refers to:

A.    A wide spaced rib cage
B.    Faint, barely audible heart sounds
C.    increased heart rate on inspiration
D.   An abnormal heart rate in a child

226.  Keoto’s father wants to be sure keoto’s immunization are up to date.  When is the immunization for varicella usually given?

A.   At 12 to 28 months of age
B.    As a preschooler booster
C.    At 16 years of age
D.   it isnot recommended for children

227.  Barry tells you he hate school.  Which response would be the best example of paraphrasing?

A.    “Tell me again what you said”
B.    “School?”
C.    “You’re telling me you’re unhappy with school?”
D.   “Hate is a strong emotion for a teenager to feel”

238.  You want Barry to increase his cognitive understanding of his condition.  Which statement from him would be best show he has increased cognitive knowledge?

A.    “Ifeel so much better now about the care I need”
B.     “I understand I have to take two types of medicines”
C.    I’ve finally learned how to swallow big capsules”
D.   “I hate having to take medicines but will take it”

239.  You want to use a board game to teach Barrymore about his hypercholesterolemia.  At what age are children first ready for completion and so enjoy board games?

A.    3 y/o
B.    6 y/o
C.    10 y/o
D.   14 y/o

240.  Young children are more at risk for dehydration with vomiting than adults are.  This is because;

A.    They have a smaller stomach and intestines than adults
B.    They have proportionally more extracellular water than adults.
C.    Children metabolize fluid more slowly than do most adults
D.   They maintain more fluid inside body cells than do adults.

241.  Suppose Becky shows signs of separation anxiety.  The first stage of separation anxiety is marked by;

A.   Loud, demanding crying.
B.    silent, sullen protest.
C.    Quiet introspective thought
D.   inability to respond verbally

242.  You want to encourage Becky to drink a lot of water, which action would do this best?

A.    Scold her for not cooperating  to make herself well again.
B.    offer her small glasses of fluid so she can drink these frequently
C.     offer her large glasses of fluid so she doesn’t have to drink so often.
D.   Alert her if she doesn’t drink fluid, she will have to receive an IV.

243.  You worry about Becky aspirating a toy you give her.  Which of the following items is most apt to be aspirated?

A.    pages in a coloring book
B.    Clothing from a baby doll
C.    Pieces of colored chalk
D.   Blocks 2 inches square

244.  Becky will have a large bandage on her foot after surgery.  Which type of therapeutic play would be best for her?

A.    letting her hold and handle a medicine syringe
B.    Giving her a doll and a bandage to change
C.    helping her insert an NG tube into a puppet
D.   teaching her a rhyme about good girls

245.  You are going to restrain T.J to draw a blood sample from his hand.  What type of restraint would be best?

A.    ask his mother to hold him tightly on her lap.
B.    Apply a jacket restraint to confine his body.
C.    Ask a fellow nurse to hold his hand firmly.
D.   Use a mummy restraint so he can’t be hurt.

246.  T.J will  have a 24 hour urine specimen collected.  You would time this from:

A.   the time of discard specimen.
B.    The first urine voided in the morning.
C.    A set time, such as 8am
D.   the first voiding after the discard urine.

247.  T.J is younger brother receives total parenteral nutrition.  Why does dehydration tend to occur with this?

A.    The glucose solution leads to dieresis
B.    infection occurs easily and causes fever
C.    Only 100ml of fluid can be infuse daily
D.   Children tend to develop diarrhea

248.  You are going to give acetaminophen (Tylenol) to terry in the emergency room.  She has no ID band inplace as yet.  What would be the best way to identify her?

A.    Ask her what is her name.
B.    tell her you need to know her name.
C.    Ask a parent to identify her for you.
D.   Ask her to see her school bus pass I.D

249.  Suppose terry needed to have eardrops.  What is the best technique for giving them?

A.    have her place them herself to give a sense of control.
B.    Refrigerate the drug first so it numbs the ear canal
C.    Pull the pinna of her ear down to straighten the canal
D.   keep her head turned to the side  to help retain the drops

250.  Terry is going to have an intravenous antibiotic infused by piggyback inserted into her dominant hand.  What would be the best activity for her while her medicine infuses?

A.   listening to a story you read.
B.    Coloring a hospital brochure
C.    Completing a jigsaw puzzle
D.   Fingerpainting or drawing

251.  You teach Robin imaging to help reduce pain from blood drawing.  Why does a technique such as imagery work well for children?

A.    Children pain is not as acute as an adults.
B.    Intravenous pain relief in not effective in children
C.    Children imagination are at their peak
D.   childrens muscle are less tense than adults muscle

252.Robin was given analgesia intravenously.  Why is the I.M route infrequently used to administer analgesia to children?

A.   The average child has a tremendous fear of injection.
B.    IM doses must be larger in children than in adults
C.    IM medications must be administered cold or chilled.
D.   IM solution are readily confused with IV solutions.

253. Suppose Robin are scheduled for conscious sedation to have her repeat bone marrow aspiration.  Which would be the best explanation to prepare her for this?

A.    “you’ll be given a special medicine to put you to sleep for surgery”
B.    “I’ll give you some medicine, but you’ll still be awake and feel pain”
C.     “Conscious sedation is an analgesic, not anesthetic, method of pain relief”
D.   “I’ll give you medicine so you’re very sleepy but can still talk to me”

254. What is the most important consideration in the care of the child with an omphalocele at birth?

A.    Position the infant on his stomach to contain the intestine.
B.    Wrap the omphalocele in cold icy gauze to prevent fever.
C.    Keep the infant seated upright under a radiant warmer.
D.   Contain the intestine in a sterile saline-lined bowel bag.

255.Which is an important nursing measure for a newborn with diaphragmatic hernia?

A.    Feed the infant immediately to decrease air in the intestine.
B.    Keep the infant positioned head down so the intestine can expand.
C.    Wrap the infant’s abdomen tightly to better contain intestine.
D.   Position the infant in an infant chair to contain intestine in abdomen.

256. Baby Sparrow may be developing increased intracranial pressure.  What vital sign changes occur with this?

A.    Decreased temperature; increased blood pressure
B.    Increased respirations; decreased pulse rates
C.    Increased temperature; decreased pulse rate
D.   Decreased blood pressure; increased temperature

257. Which is an important care measure to teach parents of a child with torticollis?

A.   Encourage the infant to turn his head to stretch the neck.
B.    Wrap the infant’s neck in a warm towel twice daily
C.    Massage the infants shoulders and torso at bed time
D.   Administer 1 grain of aspirin with each bottle feeding

258. What is a typical description of an infant with Down syndrome?

A.    Holds arms stiff and pronated.
B.    Muscle are hypotonic or flaccid
C.    Head is larger than other infants
D.   Skin is ruddy and vein streaked.

259. Michael was born with choanal atresia.  What is the best way to assess if this is present?

A.    Observe if a newborn can breathe while lying on his stomach.
B.    Close the infants mouth to see if he can breathe through his nose.
C.    Assess if the infant’s palatine tonsils are blocking his airway.
D.   Listen for the sound of either stridor or wheezing on inhalation.

260. Suppose Michael is diagnosed as having a streptococcal pharyngitis.  The chief danger of such an infection is;

A.    Lymph nodes will swell and obstruct the airway.
B.    Infection may spread and cause a tooth abscess.
C.    A small number of children develop kidney disease.
D.   Four out of five children will develop lung abscess.

261. Suppose Michael’s 4 year old  roommate spits up dark red blood following her tonsillectomy.  Your best action in relation to this would be;

A.    Suction the back of her throat.
B.    Encourage her to cough vigorously.
C.    Perform a Heimlich maneuver
D.   Continue to observe her for bleeding.

262. Michael has a barking cough, sore throat, and high fever. You want to see if his throat looks sore.  Your best procedure to do this would be;

A.    Gag him with a tongue blade to inspect his tonsils.
B.    Ask him to press down on his tongue with a finger.
C.    Elicit a gagreflex using only one gloved finger
D.   Inspect his throat visually only

263. Children with cystic fibrosis take the pancreatic enzyme pancrelipase before each meal.  You would prepare this by;

A.    Opening the capsule and adding it to warm tea.
B.    Adding it to atleast 8 ounces of milk to drink.
C.    Sprinkling it into small amount of applesauce.
D.   Teaching the child how to swallow large capsule

264. Megan has a heart murmur from a tetralogy of Fallot, a congenital heart disorder.  This type of murmur is termed:

A.    Innocent
B.    Functional
C.    Organic
D.   Symmetrical

265. Megan is scheduled for a cardiac catheterization.  Why might a child develop cardiac arrhythmias after this procedure?

A.    The dye inserted can create inflamed heart chambers.
B.    The many x-rays taken lead to a weakened heart muscle
C.    The catheter can irritate nerves in the heart septum
D.   Latex allergy can cause symptoms of unusual heart rate.

266. Megan will be scheduled for open heart surgery.  What type of fluid imbalance is apt to occur after surgery?

A.   Hypervolemia from aldosterone production
B.    Hypercalcemia from calcium release from bones
C.    Hypernatremia from excess sodium retention
D.   Hypokalemia from excess urine dieresis

267. Suppose Megan has a simple ventricular septal defect.  With this condition, in which direction would blood shunt?

A.   From the left to right ventricle.
B.    From the right ventricle to aorta.
C.    From the right to left ventricle
D.   From the left ventricle to the left atria

268.You need to teach CPR to Megan’s parents before hospital discharge.  What is the ratio of ventilation to compression used for resuscitating the infant?

A.   One to five
B.    One to ten
C.    Two to fifteen
D.   Three to fifteen

269. When Dexter’s mother learned he had an immunologic disease, she was concerned that he had developed AIDS.  What is the transmission method by which most children acquire HIV infection?

A.    Blood transfusion
B.    Shared bath towels
C.    Placental transfer
D.   Sneezing and coughing

270.  Any child can have an anaphylactic reaction to a food or drug.  What is the drug of choice you would want to have available to treat anaphylactic reaction?

A.    Prednisone
B.    Epinephrine
C.    Penicillin
D.   Ibuprofen

271.  Dexter is atopic or prone to allergies.  In the hospital he has no toys.  What would be a poor choice of a toy to make for him?

A.    A paper deck of cards
B.    A cloth bean bag
C.     A latex glove balloon
D.   A tounge blade puppet.

272.  If a smallpox epidemic should occur, it will be important to be able to distinguish chickenpox (varicela) from smallpox. What are the stages of  chickenpox lesions?
A.   Macular, papular, vesicular, and crusting
B.    Macular,crusting, and extensive peeling
C.     Papular,vesicular, and pruritic crusting
D.   Maculopapular lesion with fine flaking

273.  Which is the best description of mumps (infectious parotitis)?

A.    Cervical lymph nodes become swollen.
B.    Swelling behind the child’s ear occur.
C.    Swelling above the jaw line occur.
D.   The adenoid tonsils are red and swollen.

274.  For a child with infectious mononucleosis, why must abdominal palpation be performed gently?

A.    Regional lymphnodes are painful
B.     The enlarged spleen can rupture
C.    red cells pocket just under skin
D.   Petechiae form easily from bruising

275.  Marty has developed scarlet fever.  What is the mark of scarlet fever lesions?

A.   They appear on skin and mucous membrane
B.     The crusts that form are mildly contagious
C.    The lesions weep a clear, sticky fluid
D.   Lesions are dark brown and black

276.  Marty had a pinworm infection last year.  A typical symptoms of this infection to assess for would be;

A.    Nausea and vomiting
B.    Anal itching on awakening
C.    Loose, bloody stools
D.   Mild jaundice and itching

277.  Lana, who has thalassemia major, is scheduled for a bone marrow transplant.  Which is the best instruction for her regarding this?

A.    She must not move while the bone marrow is infused into her
B.    She will not be allowed to eat raw fruit following the transplant.
C.    Her hip bones will feel tender from the marrow transplantation.
D.   She will not need any further bone marrow aspiration after this

278.  Lana has received iron chelation therapy in the past iron chelation therapy is:

A.   A procedure to remove excess iron from the childs body
B.    A procedure to help iron move effectively into haemoglobin
C.    A therapy to increase the iron level in bone and muscle cells
D.   A therapy to convert iron into calcium to increase heart action.

279.  Joey, who has a sickle cell anemia, has had two vasoocclusive crises in the past year. a vaso occlusive crisis occurs because;

A.    An enlarged spleen causes blood to pool there
B.    Dehydration leads to thrombosed sickle cells
C.    Hemorrhage reduces a child’s total  blood volume
D.     Decreased platelet number leads to poor coagulation

280.  Auto immune acquired hemolytic anemia can occur in any child.  The usual cause of this disorder is;

A.    Allergy to the protein found in fish
B.    A mutant gene similar to sickle-cell
C.    An elevated eosinophil cell count
D.   Antibody production against red cells

281.  Disseminated intravascular coagulation can occur in any child with a critical illness.  The drug of choice you would expect to administer to this condition is;

A.    Erythroprotein, to stimulate red cells
B.    Methotrexate, to decrease red cell number
C.    Heparin, to halt abnormal coagulation
D.   Prednisone, to decrease immune reaction

282.  Barry has frequent bouts of vomiting.  What secondary electrolyte problem often occurs when metabolic alkalosis results from vomiting?

A.    Acidosis
B.    Hyponatremia
C.    Hypokalemia
D.   Hyperchlorosis

283.  Barry’s mother tells you she often makes milkshakes with raw eggs.  What infectious organism is easily spread this way?

A.    Pneumococcus
B.    Salmonella
C.    Streptococcus A.
D.   H. pylori

284.  Barry’s older sister had pyloric stenosis as an infant.  Vomiting with pyloric stenosis typically occurs;

A.   Immediately after feeding
B.    An hour after feeding
C.     On arising in the morning
D.   When the infant cries

285.  Barrry’s family likes to eat shellfish.  What form of hepatitis is most apt to be contracted by eating contaminated shellfish?

A.    Hepatitis B
B.    Hepatitis A
C.    Hepatitis E
D.   Hepatitis D

286.  Kwashiorkor is a disorder common in developing countries.  This disorder occurs because of lack of what nutrient?

A.    Water soluble vitamins
B.     Fats and triglycerides
C.    Quality protein
D.   Vitamin K

287.  Carol has voiding cystourethrogram last year to help diagnose her urinary tract infection.  Why is a voiding cystourethrogram a difficult test for preschool children?

A.    Reading the instruction for the test is difficu
B.     Lying in an MRI machine is dark and scary
C.    They feel uncomfortable voiding in public
D.   The dye capsules may be too large to swallow

288.  The appearance of a child with hypospadias is;

A.   The urethra opens on the underside of the penis
B.    The bladder opens on the surface of the abdomen
C.    Urine drains into the rectum and is excreted with stool
D.   The child is unable to void, as there is no urethral meatus

289.  What is typically the first symptom of acute glomerulonephritis?

A.    Low blood pressure from excessive aldosterone
B.    “Old blood” in urine from kidney bleeding
C.    dependent edema from protein accumulation
D.   pain on urination from urethra inflammation

290.  What is an important nursing intervention for children with nephritic syndrome?
A.    Caution them not to eat salt, as salt irritates the bladder
B.     Encourage them to walk a mile daily for exercise
C.    Teach them to test their urine for proteinuria
D.    teach them to take their temperature daily

291.  How would you best explain kidney transplantation to a child?

A.   A new kidney will be placed in your abdomen
B.    The new kidney will be placed in your bladder
C.     You must never eat eggs after a kidney transplant
D.    Your uterine will be brown for the rest of your life.

292.  Suppose a girl develops precocious puberty.  What advice would you give her parents?

A.    Excess estrogen causes children to be intersexed or hermaphrodites
B.    Although her sexual appearance is advanced, the girl cannot conceive
C.    To remember to treat the child appropriately for her chronologic age, not the age she appears to be
D.   To not allow the child to eat processed meats, which contain hormones

293.  Navi wants to have breast augmentation as soon as she’s 28.  What advice would you give her regarding this?

A.    She will not be able to breast feed after augmentation.
B.    Breast implant cause a high degree of fibrocystic disease
C.     She cannot do breast self examination with implants
D.   Implants do not increase the risk of breast cancer

294.  Candidal vaginal infections can occur as an opportunistic infection when adolescents are prescribed antibiotics.  What are the typical symptoms of a candidal vaginal infection?

A.    yellow pinpoint vaginal lesions
B.    Pruritc reddened vaginal walls
C.    White, cheese-like vaginal discharge
D.   vaginal atrophy with final scarring

295.  Rob’s sister developed hyperthyroidism (Grave’s disease) at puberty.  Which is a typical appearance she would have shown?

A.    Slow, lethargic movements.
B.    Swollen protuberant abdomen
C.    Jittery, nervous mannerism
D.   reduced intellectual processing

296.  Rob has his adrenal gland function assessed.  What is the effect on a child when sufficient aldosterone cannot be produced?

A.    Substantially fewer red blood cells are produced.
B.    There is an overall decreased urine output
C.    An excessive amount of sodium is lost in urine
D.    The child’s growth rate increases abnormally

297.  When Rob was first diagnosed with diabetes mellitus he experienced a “honeymoon” period.  This means;

A.    He developed an unnatural craving for sweets
B.    puberty occurred because of glucose stimulation
C.    His need for injectable insulin was drastically reduced
D.   he became light headed or “giddy” every afternoon

298.  Tasha has a full neurologic examination after a seizure.  What cranial nerve is assessed when you asked a child to raise her shoulders as you push against them?

A.    Nerve VII or facial
B.    Nerve VIII or auditory
C.    Nerve XI or accessory
D.   Nerve XII or hypoglossal

299.  What information would you want parents to know about their child with cerebral; palsy?

A.    Symptoms of cerebral palsy usually fade by puberty
B.    All children with cerebral palsy are cognitively challenged
C.    Cerebral palsy may be associated with a vaccine reaction
D.   Symptoms may seem to grow worse as fine motor skill is needed

300.  Tasha is diagnosed as having bacterial meningitis.  How long should she placed on respiratory precautions for this condition?

A.    4 hours
B.    24 hours
C.    Ten days
D.   30 days

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